A Hand(y) Bag?

I had a surprise request the other day: a friend unexpectedly asked if I could get her a first aid kit 'like mine'.

I was surprised: she always set great store by her old 'beach' kit, consisting mostly of antihistamine, insect repellant and Savlon.

Mostly well out of date.

It turns out that the seeming enthusiasm for a broader-purpose, less ancient kit was actually motivated because she 'liked the bag'.

Not the best reason in the world perhaps, but better that she has a decent kit than not. (A 'Universal Plus', since you ask.)

If you have a similarly superficial friend, perhaps now is the time to get them a `Travel Zenith' kit. (A car kit.)

It's not on special offer (it's less than fifteen quid already), but now comes with a silvery metal zip instead of the old black plastic one.

(To be fair the metal zip should be more durable than a plastic one.)

And the white fabric bit - any better? No, but it does look prettier . . .